Ways to Make Your Ex Desperately Want You Back - Don't Even Think About Missing These

Monday, March 9, 2009

Losing a boyfriend or girlfriend can be a painful event that most of us hate to think about. Being apart every day feels like a ton of weight on your chest. Now that you have had time to think you realize what you had was so much more important then whatever it was that caused the breakup.

The good news is there is help and many ways to get your ex back if you act fast and begin taking small steps today.

Below are a series of tips and advice that will help you get your ex back.

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6 Sure Fire Ways to Get Your Ex back

Sunday, March 8, 2009

1. The first thing you need to do is think about and understand why you broke up in the first place. What caused it…was it you? Was one or both of you controlling, mean, abusive or possessive? Did one of you cheat on the other? These are the questions that must be answered. Also if any of those things was the culprit of your breakup then you really need to think long and hard if you really want to go back to that kind of relationship.

2. Be the person your ex fell in love with. As we spend more time with one another the passion and romance that was so great in the beginning fades. This is common with most relationships and contributes to the breakup. Just think about it, you ex was attracted to you because he/she felt good with you. You made them feel special and loved. So what happened…have you changed? Correct bad habits and mistakes if any and be positive around your ex. Become the person they once fell in love with.

3. Think about all the good time and positive moments in your relationship and use the past to your advantage. Maybe he/she liked your hair a certain style or a particular outfit you wore so wear it again.

4. Another effective way to get your ex back is to casually ask if he'd like to do something non-committal, like have a drink with friends, play miniature golf, play tennis, etc. Something friends can also do to not make he/she feel uncomfortable. The key thing is to make it fun. The last thing you want to do is start having serious talks…at least not yet. There will be plenty of time for that later. Reason being many people after a breakup may feel threatened. If your ex initiates the discussion then follow their lead. But don’t spend too much time at this point.

5. Let them know you were thinking about them. The key word here is “were” not “I am thinking of you” as this comes across as you are thinking of them all the time. Maybe you had lunch at a restaurant the two of you ate at. Email him/her a short email letting them know you recently ate their and thought of them. Ask them how are they…this is a non-threatening way to begin light conversion.

6. At this point you want to invite your ex to talk letting him/her know you have had time to think about things and regret things ended the way they did. Now is the time to let your ex know how you really feel about them and be understanding of their feelings as well.

How To Get Your Ex Back - The Counter Intuitive Way

One of the most common mistakes is arguing about your break up...don't!

Instead, you want do something counter intuitive.

First step is you need to agree with the break up. This will instantly put you in an advantageous position.

I know this may sound impossible especially if you were not at fault but you have to be willing to make the first move. This will show your ex you are making changes.

Checkout this Video Showing How Magic of Making Up Works Giving You Ways to Get Your Ex Back...

Ways to Get Your Ex Back – Effort

Are you needing advice on ways to get your ex back? Then game on because winning back your ex girlfriend or boyfriend is much like a football game. You will need to learn to play as a team meaning you and your partner and learn to communicate with each other in order to gain yardage.

Right now may be the most important game of your life. The results could have a direct impact on the rest of your life. This is something that is supposed to be taken seriously. It is something that you have to believe you can do. You have to be willing to give it your all. There are ways to get your ex back but you need to put everything in and hold nothing back. How to win your ex back is to play to win the game.

Is getting back with your ex really important to you? How much thought have you put into this? How much time have you spent looking at yourself and trying to improve areas that may have caused issues in your relationship? The truth is, you will never ways to get your ex back unless you make it the top priority in your life. Treat it as the most important thing in your life and chances are you will have a greater chance of success.

When you are seeking relationship advice and are asking, “what are ways to get your back ex” the advice you get won't matter unless you believe that this is something you can do. If you really want that romance to return, you have to believe in yourself. Why even bother playing if you don't believe that you can get your ex back? Having confidence that there are ways to get your ex back and believing you deserve this is key. Believe in yourself and you will soon find out how to restore your relationship with your ex.

If your ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend is worth the effort then you have to put some effort in trying to get them back. You want to know ways to get your ex back? Play the game! Don't just sit around thinking about it? Do something about it…take action! All the greatest ideas in the world are meaningless unless they are put into practice.

The real way how to get your ex back is to just jump right in and give it everything you got. What ever strategy you employ, don't screw around. Take it seriously and put 100% in. If you know what it is that your ex wants or what caused the breakup in the first place then hold nothing back. Meet their needs and put everything into it.

Getting back with your ex is a huge challenge but it is something that you can do. Just make sure you are 100% committed understand how important that it is. If you learn how to take it seriously and really play to win the game then you may have just uncovered one of the ways to get your ex back.

Check Out this Video That May Help...You Have to Scroll Down The Page to Get to The Video.

From The Man That Has Secretly Helped 6,100 People In 67 Countries...

Now You Can Stop Your Break Up, Divorce or Lovers Rejection...Even If Your Situation Seems Hopeless!

I'll take you by the hand and show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying...

Here's Ways to Get Your Ex Back...

Forgiveness - Ways to Get Your Ex Back

Finding ways to get your ex back and move forward can be one of the hardest things to figure out when someone has been hurt. Most likely it was both of you who were hurt and both of you who did the hurting. Forgiveness is essential to mending any relationship and plays a critical part if you want to know how to win your ex back.

Learning ways to get your ex back is going to require learning humility on both sides. Being selfish is one of the components that got your relationship in trouble at the beginning. You decided that the individual was more important than what you two had as a couple.

People make mistakes…this is natural. It is true that some mistakes are too big to overcome, however most mistakes that people make in relationships are trivial. They are also made in the heat of the moment and often times can be exaggerated. Understand when people aren’t thinking clearly it becomes easy for someone to say or do the wrong thing.

Just think of the context when someone has said or done the wrong things to you. Think about what was taking place around that time that made caused things to turn for the worse? Was there something going on in one of your lives outside of the relationship that brought unnecessary strain? If you can recognize what it was you may have found one way to get your ex back.

Being able to forgive is another way to get your ex back. If you had your pride and feelings hurt by the actions of another, can you forgive them? Are you strong enough to swallow your pride and realize it was a mistake and what you had was greater than the incidents that drove you apart? Are you capable of forgiveness and letting it go? You will have to learn how to do this if you want to learn ways to get your ex back.

Maybe you were not the one that got hurt rather you hurt someone dear to you, you need to swallow your pride as well. Realize that you made a mistake. Own it and take responsibility for your actions. If it’s important to you to understand ways to get back your ex, then you have to realize there are things that you need to correct in the way that you handle situations. If you keep making that same mistake or creating the same problem, get counseling or some kind of help. If you continue to do the same thing over and over don’t expect different results.

Be able to approach each other with humility, not holding yourself up over the other person. Stop thinking that you are too big to come back and say, “I’m sorry.” Put your pride away as this is not the time or place. When someone says to you that they are sorry don’t hold it over them and say, “Yeah, you should be.” Decide that what you have as a couple is more important than the problems that came and decide to work together as a team to overcome them. If you can do these then you have found several key ways to get your ex back.